Name of the Company: AMR Corp
Symbol: (NYSE: AMR)
Sector: Transportation
Industry: Airlines
Position: Short
Status: Success!
Name of the Company: Northwest Airlines Corp.
Symbol: (NYSE: NWA)
Sector: Transportation
Industry: Airlines
Position: Short
Status: Success!
Name of the Company: Bricker International Inc.
Symbol: (NYSE: EAT)
Sector: Services
Industry: Restaurants
Position: Short
Status: Success!
Name of the Company: General Motor Corporation
Symbol: (NYSE: GM)
Sector: Consumer Cyclical
Industry: Auto & Truck Manufacturers
Position: Short
Status: Success!
GM happened to be my biggest winner of the day, although it has made a major move in the morning, it was still in a good downward at about 11:45pm until the low of the day at 12:45 pm. I shorted GM and sized in when I saw the trend was good.
Name of the Company: Sovereign Bancorp Inc.
Symbol: (NYSE: SOV)
Sector: Consumer Financial
Industry: S&Ls/Savings Banks
Position: Short
Status: Success!
*Please be informed that all the charts above are extracted from
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